We’re Here to Help.

Need Immediate Assistance?

During regular business hours call us: (763) 465-0004
After-Hours Emergency Outages/Issues may be reported by calling (763) 420-9992 Menu option 5.


Hosting Updates & Announcements

Please Bookmark as a primary source for status updates. The following is shown from the above link.


Weekly Maintenance Reminder

Our regularly scheduled maintenance window is every Sunday night after 10 PM (Central Time).



We have a variety of support articles to help you use and work with our services.

View all support documentation

Quick Help Form

Your Name(Required)
Please use the company email address that we have on file. If you use a personal mail system such as GMail or be sure to enter the website URL so we can match your account.
Should you wish for us to call you back regarding this issue.
What product do you need assistance with?(Required)

Please enter the website you are contacting us about. You may choose to copy and paste a page URL here. You must enter HTTP:// or HTTPS:// for URL validation.
Provide enough detail for Cazarin's Support team to reproduce the problem. You may add any links to pages or screenshots in the message or attach up to three images below.
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Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Select the priority for this issue:(Required)
    Critical issues are defined as an outage or system down that makes normal business operations impossible; such as the website being offline, orders not processing, or email not connecting for all users. You may also wish to check our online status page (below).

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